LSW Mind Cards
45 individually designed cards presented in a beautiful lidded box.The cards are split across the following 5 categories:
Random acts of kindness release hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin that increase energy and happiness and decrease anxiety, stress and blood pressure. Each Kindness card has a different action you can take designed to offer kindness towards the outside world.RITUAL
Building positive, mindful, rituals into your daily life can be incredibly beneficial to your wellbeing. They can help you to slow down and connect with your actions in a world in which we are so used to racing through everything we do. Each Ritual card has a different short activity which can be turned into a ritual that can be incorporated into your daily routine.GRATITUDE
time to stop and appreciate what makes you happy. Gratitude cards will remind you to look out for the little things daily in order to create greater overall happiness. Practising gratitude has been shown to enhance empathy and reduce negative emotions such as envy and resentment. It can also help to improve self esteem and mental strength. Each card holds a different gratitude exercise to action daily.
Journaling is a powerful way to reflect on how you are living and what you could be doing differently to be more fulfilled. The Journal cards offer up a number of questions to help you dig deep and figure out what changes you might need to make, if any. When the same card is selected a second time, think about whether you can answer the question in the same way or what might have changed in your life that affects a new answer.
Take 10 minutes of your day to reflect on the quote on your chosen card. Focus on how this quote could apply to your life in the present and how you can use the meaning behind the words to better yourself and your life. When the same card is selected a second time, reflect on any changes you might have in your response dependent on where you are in the present moment.